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New issues on website

New issues on website swiatmetali.euNew issues on website swiatmetali.euNew issues on website
Our website is slowly extended by new important information concerning welding industry. One of the new topics is metalworking and its types that we can distinguish during our everyday work. We also write about metals, we explain what metals are and which metals we can distinguish ... more»


What is stainless steel?

What is stainless steel?What is stainless steel?What is stainless steel?
Stainless steel is steel with unusual physical and chemical properties. It does not rust so it is non-corrosive which is due to addition of alloys e.g. chromium alloy is added to stainless chrome steel. Advantages of stainless steel: non-corrosive flameproof heat resistant it is shiny it... more»


What does CNC stand for?

What does CNC stand for?What does CNC stand for?What does CNC stand for?
It is Computerized Numerical Control, which is a numerical control unit equipped with a microcomputer which can be programmed in a very smart way, e.g. material treatment. Material treatment is performed by the machines, which, thanks to computer control, work precisely and quickly. You can program ... more»