
What is an industrial robot?

What is an industrial robot?

An industrial robot is an automatically controlled, multi-tasking and programmable manipulative machine with multiple degrees of freedom. This machine has manipulative or locomotor capabilities and can be stationary or mobile for important applications in many industry sectors. The most important advantage of this type of machine is its programmability, which distinguishes it from other machines operating in industry. This machine has manipulative or locomotor capabilities and can be stationary or mobile for important applications in many industry sectors. The most important advantage of this type of machine is its programmability, which distinguishes it from other machines operating in industry.

According to historical records, the development of robotisation technology started around 1954, although in 1937 Griffith P. Taylor constructed a device fulfilling the definition of an industrial robot. In Poland, the first works on the construction of industrial robots and their application were undertaken in the early 1970s, while the first successful application of robots in Polish industry took place in 1976, precisely in Olkuska Fabryka Naczyń Emaliowanych.

The use of industrial robots is aimed at replacing people in arduous and dangerous jobs. That is why they are most commonly used in the electromechanical industry, but also in mining, agriculture, construction, founding, welding or the chemical industry. These robots are equipped with protective covers, which in our welding industry protect them from hot metal splinters, high temperatures or solid contaminants. The covers are used wherever there is a possibility of damaging the machine as a result of various welding, soldering or sealing processes.

We also use welding robots in our plant, which perform perfectly at their robotic welding stations. You can read more about our welding robots on our website in the section offer - welding.

For more information about the work of our welding robot, please contact us on +48 95 762 08 61.

We recommend our welding services with the use of a welding robot.
