
How much energy do lasers consume?

How much energy do lasers consume?

Nowadays, energy efficiency is very crucial for running a manufacturing company. Using as little energy as possible contributes to lower production costs and lower environmental impact.

In the age of modern machines and lasers, there is a choice of equipment that can significantly reduce energy consumption. The range of lasers includes disk lasers and fibre lasers. Fibre lasers reduce energy consumption by a factor of four and use all-in-glass technology. In fibre lasers, light resonates inside the active fibre, not leaving the glass until the beam reaches the head. But it is not just the laser source that consumes energy. When choosing a laser, we need to pay attention to the axis drives of the laser cutter, as old-style gear drives are being replaced by modern, linear magnetic drives. Linear magnetic drives are the new generation of drives that are much faster and more accurate. Other major advantage of linear drives is the ability to recover energy during braking, thus allowing additional energy savings to be achieved.

Our plant uses Trumpf laser cutting machine with Fiber source with 6 kW TruDisk laser. The Fiber Laser uses nitrogen for cutting, where the oxide-free surface of the workpieces does not require additional treatment, such as sandblasting or edge grinding, allowing us to move on to the next part of the production process, which is welding or painting the workpiece. Modern technologies such as TruDisk allow us to reduce energy requirements by up to 60% compared to CO2 lasers, making our cutter very competitive.

We encourage domestic and international entrepreneurs to use our laser cutting services. For more information, please contact us on +48 95 762 08 61.

We recommend laser cutting in fibre technology.
